We started working in El Salvador in 2005 when we met a high level member of the Ministry of the Environment, Miguel Araujo at the SEED Finalist awards (http://www.seedinit.org/) in Thailand. There we were introduced to Nidia Lara of Agape Foundation, who is still working with us, and is widely considered one of the world’s leading experts on Maya Nut.
Since then we and our partners in El Salvador have trained 2,500 rural women from more than 100 communities in the departments of Sonsonate, Santa Ana, Ahuachapan, La Libertad, San Salvador, San Vicente, La Paz, Chalatenango, San Miguel, Usulutan, Cuscatlan and Morazan. Our focal areas are the buffer zones of protected areas, particularly Plan de Amayo, Chaguantique, El Balsamar, Los Farallones, Complejo San Marcelino, Santa Rita, Normandia , El Imposible, La Magdalena , El Rio Sapo and La Joya. We partner with local organizations to access the communities, these include: AGAPE, Plan Internacional, Intervida, Universidad De El Salvador, Arzobispado, Catholic Relief Service, FIAES , CENTA/FAO, ISDEMU, Alcaldias Municipales and the Rural Development Agencies (ADESCO) in the communities where we work.
We have several teams of certified Maya Nut trainers working in El Salvador, they are based in Izalco and Sonsonate. These trainers are also producers, their businesses are PrOjushte and ManaOjushte and they sell Maya Nut products in local markets.