The common name for Maya Nut in Nicaragua and Costa Rica is Ojoche (Oh-Ho-Chay). There are currently 3 women’s Maya Nut businesses in Nicaragua, Flor de Ojoche, Ojoche Producers of San Pedro and Ojoche Cooperative of Versailles. We are adding new producer groups as demand for Ojoche products increases.
There is also a new food processing company, ProLeizam which is producing Maya Nut SuperCereal for the Maya Nut School Lunch programs in Nicaragua as part of our certification program.
Maya Nut sales to the US have quadrupled in the past 12 months and in some cases, Nicaraguan women producers have more than doubled their annual family income!

We have trained more tan 250 communities in the departments of Rivas, Boaco, RAAN, RAAS, Chinandega, Chichigalpa, Leon, Masaya, Siuna, Chontales, Carazo and Granada. We have trained Miskito, Tawahka, Mayagna and Mestizo communities.