Population Size and Habitat of Use of Spider Monkeys at Punta Laguna, MexicoJanuary 1, 1970Read article
Density, Distribution, and Home Range of the Black Howler Monkey (Alouatta Pigra) at Lamani, BelizeJanuary 1, 1970Read article
Distribution of three monkey species along a gradient of regenerating tropical dry forestJanuary 1, 1970Read article
Genetic structure in a population of a tropical tree Ocotea tenera (Lauraceae): influence of avian seed dispersalJanuary 1, 1970Read article
Crecimiento, supervivencia y herbivorio de plantulas de B. alicastrum, una especie de sotobosque neotropicalJanuary 1, 1970Read article
Census and preliminary observations of the ecology of the black faced spider monkey (Ateles paniscus chamek) in Manu National Park, Peru.January 1, 1970Read article
Behavioral Ecology and Conservation Status of Spider Monkeys in the Otoch Ma’Ax Yetel Kooh Protected AreaJanuary 1, 1970Read article