El Tapir Tapirus bairdii en la region sureste del area de proteccion flora y fauna Bala’an Ka’ax, Quintana Roo, MexicoJanuary 1, 1970Read article
Absence of Howlers (Alouatta palliata) Influences Tree Seedling Densities in Tropical Rain Forest Fragments in Southern MexicoJanuary 1, 1970Read article
Species composition and reproductive phenology of bats in a tropical landscape at Los Tuxtlas, MexicoJanuary 1, 1970Read article
Phyllostomid Bat Community Structure and Abundance in Two Constrasting Tropical Dry ForestsJanuary 1, 1970Read article
Distribution of three monkey species along a gradient of regenerating tropical dry forestJanuary 1, 1970Read article
Food Selection by a hyperdense population of red howler monkeys (Alouatta seniculus)January 1, 1970Read article
Effectiveness of Spider Monkeys as Seed Dispersers in Continuous and Fragmented Rain Forests in Southern MexicoJanuary 1, 1970Read article
Postdispersal fruit and seed removal by forest-dwelling rodents in a lowland rainforest in MexicoJanuary 1, 1970Read article