Relative importance of photosynthetic physiology and biomass allocation for tree seedling growth across a broad light gradientJanuary 1, 1970Read article
Recovery of Biomass following Shifting Cultivation in Dry Tropical Forests of the YucatanJanuary 1, 1970Read article
Staying Green While Conserving Water in Miami-Dade: A Selection of both Native and Non-Native Fruit TreesJanuary 1, 1970Read article
Weak Competition Among Tropical Tree Seedlings-Implications for Species CoexistenceJanuary 1, 1970Read article
Census and preliminary observations of the ecology of the black faced spider monkey (Ateles paniscus chamek) in Manu National Park, Peru.January 1, 1970Read article
Plant Ecotypes: Genetic Differentiation in the Age of Ecological RestorationJanuary 1, 1970Read article
Norhtern Lacadon Maya Medicinal Plant Use in the Communities of Lacanja Chan Sayab and Naha’, Chipas, MexicoJanuary 1, 1970Read article