The effect of Salicylic Acid on the growth of seedling roots of Brosimum alicastrum, a perennial tree from the Mexican tropics which produces recalcitrant seedsAugust 6, 2015Read article
Conocimiento Local y Crecimiento Inicial del Ojite (Brosimum alicastrum Swartz) Bajo Distintas Condiciones de Manejo en la Zona de Lomerios del Municipio Paso de Ovejas, Veracruz, MéxicoMarch 16, 2015Read article
Características Foliares y Tasas Vitales de Árboles Sucesionales Tardíos de un Bosque Tropical PerennifolioFebruary 9, 2015Read article
Genetic variation in a topical tree species infuences the associated epiphytic plant and invertebrate communities in a complex forest ecosystemNovember 24, 2014Read article
Cultural Industries for Queensland: Papers on the Cultivation of Useful Plants Suited to the Climate of QueenslandJanuary 1, 1970Read article